Bart vs Haley2
Of all the matchups I could be locked into, I'm kinda ok with this one. The scenario is live and the zones are far apart, and there's few models to work around to get shots on Bart.
My opponents list was: Double Galleon, Gorman, A&H, Boomies, Sylas.
Round 1
I got first turn and ran things up very conservatively. I didn't want him dragging anything in, or killing stuff on his first turn. b13 and Stormclad ran up left, Everything else ran up the right. I got Deceleration out, and Arcane Shielded the Stormclad.
Both Galleons walked forward, one on the right and one on the left. Boomies ran towards my gun mages and light jacks. A&H and Gorman moved forward conservatively on the same side as my Stormclad/B13. Bart moved up, cast hot shot, and Broadsides. 1 gun mage died and haley took a couple points from drifted blast.
Round 2
Here's how the board looked at the start of my turn.
I don't think my opponent knew how scared he needed to be of my guns. He was well within the frankly absurd threat range of my Defender and Charger. At this point I was debating whether or not to go for attrition. I think I could have killed over half of one Galleon with the Stormclad, leaving it mostly safe from retaliation under Haley's feat. After feat I could have finished off one Galleon and begun work on the other. I decided to go for the assassination.
I feated, cast TA on the defender, deadeye on the gun mages, and TK on both the Charger and Defender. Power boostered the Defender. Gun mages tried to clear the boomies on the left, as I kind of wanted to stand there with the charger to avoid the water. My cursed dice flubbed horribly, and my opponent didn't lose a single Boomie. I moved the Vanguard up to prevent my gun mages from being jammed. Taryn moved up and vanished the right Galleon. My defender and charger both got range, and both double tapped Bart. My damage rolls were abysmal and only the last shot forced the tough, which he made! Stormclad moved up, and the b13 failed to hit anything.
My opponent didn't do much under Haley's feat. Some shots were fired, some jacks took damage. Nothing crucial was broken or killed except Taryn died to drifted blast. Bart had to choose between backing up, and moving forward to take cover behind the wall. He chose to take cover, feat, and camp all 6.
Round 3
With the feat, I had to be careful and not get knocked down. I power boostered the defender with Arlan. Haley TA'd and Deadeyed the Defender, Deadeyed the Charger and TK'd the charger. I managed to hit Bart with a crit brutal, and crit him. Managed to do the point of damage needed on the first shot and he failed his tough roll. We realized at this point that I hadn't taken into account the attack roll penalty from Bart's feat, and no one remembered what I rolled to hit. I rerolled it and managed to still hit, and crit for the game.
This game felt very execution style. This list is actually pretty fun, and I think has good game. I would need to practice it more to feel comfortable with it.
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Kublacon Battle Reports #3
Makeda3 vs Caine2
Once again I chose Caine2, locking me in for the final round. I just don't like taking shooting lists against Skorne (Caine2 doesn't count). This further demonstrates how my 2nd list is a liability to me more than it is a benefit, as I'm now locked in.
My opponents list was something like: Bronzeback, Molik, Gladiator, Tiberion, Nihilators, Krea
Round 1
My opponent won first turn and ran up.
And now I'm presented with one of my greatest fears, the infinitely surfing models vs my infantry spam. I still haven't figured out the optimum way to layout troops to minimize damage in this context, as the potential movement variables are just too huge. I decided my best bet was to feed him Rowdy as a potential target, and skew the math as much as I could on my Boomies, and count on Tough and misses to save me. I Arcane Shielded Rowdy, and Dirged and Heightened Reflexes the Boomies. I left a large 5-6" gap between the Boomies and the Forge Guard behind them, and left a big 8" island around Caine to prevent any surfing to him. Rangers got 2 magic bullets flanked wide right and killed 2 beast handlers with the magic bullets. Eiryss flanked wide left.
Round 2
My opponent feated and sent the Bronzeback in first. Dirge and HR was a good call, as he missed 3-4 attacks, and between that and 4+ tough, I made out like a bandit, only losing 3 Boomhowlers. Tibbers came in next and I countercharged him with Rowdy. I cranked the damage and did I think 12. The Boomie that Tibbers charged toughed, and Tibbers dumped the rest of his attacks into Rowdy. Rowdy managed to live with 4 or so boxes left. Next Molik came in and finished off Rowdy, killed a couple boomies and Fate Walkered back.
Phew! This went as well as I hoped, but better than I expected. I tried to Kiss Tibbers with Aiyanna, but failed. I then blinded tibbers (Should have done this first...), and did a few points of damage with charging boomies. Forge Guard got Beast Lore and blew up the Bronzeback and put more damage on Tibbers. Caine put 3 magic bullets on rangers and chilled on his hill. The Rangers swept up the board and killed the rest of the beast handlers on that board half and the puppet strings guy. Eiryss killed a beasthandler on her side of the board.
Round 3
My opponent is over fury, but Tibbers doesn't frenzy. Tibbers doesn't do much being blinded, and waits for death. A boomhowler I have blocking molik manages to tough 3 times and really frustrates my opponents plans. He finally gets molik free, and kills some infantry and fate walkers back again.
I kiss Tibbers and finish him off with Forge Guard and arrange the extras to counter charge anything that comes at me. I set up Alexia to charge anything that enters the zone and the last support dies on his side of the table. Here's how it looked at the end of the turn.
Round 4
My opponent knew he couldn't win on scenario or attrition at this point. Any beast he left in the zone would either be killed by Alexia, Forge Guard, or Caine's feat. He opted for the assassination attempt you can see him measuring for above. He wanted to side step off off Holt and then Alexia, but the distance just wasn't there, and we shook on it.
Once again I chose Caine2, locking me in for the final round. I just don't like taking shooting lists against Skorne (Caine2 doesn't count). This further demonstrates how my 2nd list is a liability to me more than it is a benefit, as I'm now locked in.
My opponents list was something like: Bronzeback, Molik, Gladiator, Tiberion, Nihilators, Krea
Round 1
My opponent won first turn and ran up.
And now I'm presented with one of my greatest fears, the infinitely surfing models vs my infantry spam. I still haven't figured out the optimum way to layout troops to minimize damage in this context, as the potential movement variables are just too huge. I decided my best bet was to feed him Rowdy as a potential target, and skew the math as much as I could on my Boomies, and count on Tough and misses to save me. I Arcane Shielded Rowdy, and Dirged and Heightened Reflexes the Boomies. I left a large 5-6" gap between the Boomies and the Forge Guard behind them, and left a big 8" island around Caine to prevent any surfing to him. Rangers got 2 magic bullets flanked wide right and killed 2 beast handlers with the magic bullets. Eiryss flanked wide left.
Round 2
My opponent feated and sent the Bronzeback in first. Dirge and HR was a good call, as he missed 3-4 attacks, and between that and 4+ tough, I made out like a bandit, only losing 3 Boomhowlers. Tibbers came in next and I countercharged him with Rowdy. I cranked the damage and did I think 12. The Boomie that Tibbers charged toughed, and Tibbers dumped the rest of his attacks into Rowdy. Rowdy managed to live with 4 or so boxes left. Next Molik came in and finished off Rowdy, killed a couple boomies and Fate Walkered back.
Phew! This went as well as I hoped, but better than I expected. I tried to Kiss Tibbers with Aiyanna, but failed. I then blinded tibbers (Should have done this first...), and did a few points of damage with charging boomies. Forge Guard got Beast Lore and blew up the Bronzeback and put more damage on Tibbers. Caine put 3 magic bullets on rangers and chilled on his hill. The Rangers swept up the board and killed the rest of the beast handlers on that board half and the puppet strings guy. Eiryss killed a beasthandler on her side of the board.
Round 3
My opponent is over fury, but Tibbers doesn't frenzy. Tibbers doesn't do much being blinded, and waits for death. A boomhowler I have blocking molik manages to tough 3 times and really frustrates my opponents plans. He finally gets molik free, and kills some infantry and fate walkers back again.
I kiss Tibbers and finish him off with Forge Guard and arrange the extras to counter charge anything that comes at me. I set up Alexia to charge anything that enters the zone and the last support dies on his side of the table. Here's how it looked at the end of the turn.
Round 4
My opponent knew he couldn't win on scenario or attrition at this point. Any beast he left in the zone would either be killed by Alexia, Forge Guard, or Caine's feat. He opted for the assassination attempt you can see him measuring for above. He wanted to side step off off Holt and then Alexia, but the distance just wasn't there, and we shook on it.
Kublacon Battle Reports #2
Game 2 - Hunters Grim vs Caine2
Once again I picked Caine2 because I don't relish playing against Trolls with a low model count low attack volume list.
My opponents list was Scattergunners, Bomber, Impaler, Slag Troll, Burrowers and some other troll stuff?
Round 1
My opponent bunkered up all his beasts and his caster behind a very convenient wall, which they never left for the rest of the game. Mirage went on the Scattergunners and stuff ran up
I had my Rangers across from his Scattergunners. I Blurred them and they shot some scattergunners. Arcane Shielded Boomhowlers ran forward backstopped by Forge Guard and Risen. Dirge went on Boomies. Eiryss flanked wide left on the opposite side from the scattergunners, and did nothing the rest of the game cause I kept forgetting about her. Caine tried a cheeky first turn charge forward and got a magic bullet on troll moses, but failed to kill him.
Round 2
Opponent feats and Mortality goes up on Forge Guard and Boomhowlers. Burrowers pop up, murder lots of things. Scattergunners move up, murder lots of things. Impaler slams rowdy into some stuff. Bomber manages to roll 6 to the 1 to just barely land a bomb on A&H, killing both (urggghh).
Well, this turn was brutal. Mortality, and Grims feat takes what's normally incredibly resilient infantry, and makes them a joke. I think I popped out at least 15 risen this turn all in back arcs of burrowers. Caine shot some stuff. many tough rolls were made. Risen paired up in back arcs and killed almost all the burrowers. many tough rolls were made. Boomhowlers cleared up some scattergunners. many tough rolls were made. I think at this point there were 3-4 knocked down burrowers, and 3-4 knocked down scattergunners left. Alexia & The Risen got Tough and Arcane Shield is moved onto Rowdy.
Round 3
Now those scatter gunners that toughed, and my failure to remove Mirage come back to haunt me. Grim mortalities the 20 or so risen I have on the table. The scattergunners who were knocked down place 3", and stand up. They spray off 90% of the risen with no trouble. Bomber/Slag/Impaler don't accomplish much against Rowdy.
I'm scared this whole game, because Grim and the bomber can easily kill Caine2 if I'm not very careful. He's in feat range the entire time, but I don't go for assassinations with the caster behind a wall, unless I'm desperate. Things aren't looking super hot on attrition, except I have a super tough heavy to deal with, and he doesn't have a ton of time left on his clock to shoot it for 3+ rounds. So, Caine and my risen/boombies/rowdy/etc kill some scatter gunners and random solos and Caine continues to stay safe.
Round 4
Here's how the table looked around round 4. This may have been round 5, the turns got really samey.
My opponent was too scared of Caine to come out from his wall, so the sniping continued and his clock ran down further. He came forward with his Bomber to try for drifted blast on Caine. He failed to hit me with the blast. I don't really have any pieces left that matter except rowdy and Alexia, and neither died this turn.
At this point, his clock was low enough that all I needed to do was make sure Caine didn't die, and he didn't win on Scenario with quick turns. I snuggled Rowdy into the zone so he couldn't get slammed out. I jammed up the Bomber and finished almost everything left in the zone. Caine feated half-heartedly and didn't finish off the Bomber. I decided to camp rather than finish it off. Arcane Shield was switched to Caine and I waited for my opponent to try to kill Caine.
Round 5(6?)
Bomber took some free strikes to disengage. Threw a couple bombs at Caine, but at 19/19 on the hill, not much was accomplished. Grim had his try, but also missed and then my opponent clocked.
This was an intense game, and my opponent is one I've faced off against in multiple tourneys, and we've never had a short game, nor an easy one.
Once again I picked Caine2 because I don't relish playing against Trolls with a low model count low attack volume list.
My opponents list was Scattergunners, Bomber, Impaler, Slag Troll, Burrowers and some other troll stuff?
Round 1
My opponent bunkered up all his beasts and his caster behind a very convenient wall, which they never left for the rest of the game. Mirage went on the Scattergunners and stuff ran up
Round 2
Opponent feats and Mortality goes up on Forge Guard and Boomhowlers. Burrowers pop up, murder lots of things. Scattergunners move up, murder lots of things. Impaler slams rowdy into some stuff. Bomber manages to roll 6 to the 1 to just barely land a bomb on A&H, killing both (urggghh).
Round 3
Now those scatter gunners that toughed, and my failure to remove Mirage come back to haunt me. Grim mortalities the 20 or so risen I have on the table. The scattergunners who were knocked down place 3", and stand up. They spray off 90% of the risen with no trouble. Bomber/Slag/Impaler don't accomplish much against Rowdy.
I'm scared this whole game, because Grim and the bomber can easily kill Caine2 if I'm not very careful. He's in feat range the entire time, but I don't go for assassinations with the caster behind a wall, unless I'm desperate. Things aren't looking super hot on attrition, except I have a super tough heavy to deal with, and he doesn't have a ton of time left on his clock to shoot it for 3+ rounds. So, Caine and my risen/boombies/rowdy/etc kill some scatter gunners and random solos and Caine continues to stay safe.
Round 4
Here's how the table looked around round 4. This may have been round 5, the turns got really samey.
My opponent was too scared of Caine to come out from his wall, so the sniping continued and his clock ran down further. He came forward with his Bomber to try for drifted blast on Caine. He failed to hit me with the blast. I don't really have any pieces left that matter except rowdy and Alexia, and neither died this turn.
At this point, his clock was low enough that all I needed to do was make sure Caine didn't die, and he didn't win on Scenario with quick turns. I snuggled Rowdy into the zone so he couldn't get slammed out. I jammed up the Bomber and finished almost everything left in the zone. Caine feated half-heartedly and didn't finish off the Bomber. I decided to camp rather than finish it off. Arcane Shield was switched to Caine and I waited for my opponent to try to kill Caine.
Round 5(6?)
Bomber took some free strikes to disengage. Threw a couple bombs at Caine, but at 19/19 on the hill, not much was accomplished. Grim had his try, but also missed and then my opponent clocked.
This was an intense game, and my opponent is one I've faced off against in multiple tourneys, and we've never had a short game, nor an easy one.
Kublacon Battle Reports #1
My Lists:
Caine2 standard Yes We Caine list, except with Pendrake instead of Rag Man (I swear I played this list before Kieth made it famous).
This is my most played list. I have at least a 90% win-rate with it. Almost every loss at tournaments has been when I play my 2nd list.
Squire, Jr, Arlan, Taryn
b13, ATGM+UA
- Defender
Jakes + Charger
Gastonne + Vanguard
This is an assassination list I cooked up the night before the Con. I always do something like this since I have no 2nd go-to list that I'm comfortable with. I had no plan for matchups this covered that Caine2 did not, I just thought it seemed fun.
Game 1 - Iron Mother vs Caine2
Round 1
I felt I had no choice but to go with Caine2, since he's my armor cracker, and the other list was Lucant. I think I won turn 1 and decided to go first. I ran everything forward. Faced the rangers with Blur against the reductors, and the Boomhowlers with dirge and Arcane Shield covering everything else.
My opponent responded with some shooting, none of which was terribly effective. 13/19 on the boomies is a hard statline for Convergence, and the Rangers pretty much couldn't be hit by reductors.
Round 2
Now I felt like there wasn't a ton for Caine to do. I wasn't ready to feat yet, and the infantry on the board would be dealt with fine by my Rangers and various other shots. I threw out 3 magic bullets on rangers and stayed safe. The rangers mostly finished off the reductors and some optifex with the magic bullets. Boomhowlers jammed everything and the forge guard moved up to be able to charge the Axiom next turn. Eiryss also ran in to prevent allocation on stuff.
Opponent responded with some lackluster killing of things I didn't care about. Some forge guard died, some boomhowlers died, some rangers died. Caine doesn't care. :P
Round 3
Here's the table state at the top of 3. You can see things are looking peachy for me.
Aiyana kissed the Axiom and the forge guard charged it. Rowdy charged and killed the objective. Caine used his feat to finish the Axiom and gate crashered back to safety. At this point I believe we shook on the game, rather than make him wait while I won on scenario (for tie breaks).
Caine2 standard Yes We Caine list, except with Pendrake instead of Rag Man (I swear I played this list before Kieth made it famous).
This is my most played list. I have at least a 90% win-rate with it. Almost every loss at tournaments has been when I play my 2nd list.
Squire, Jr, Arlan, Taryn
b13, ATGM+UA
- Defender
Jakes + Charger
Gastonne + Vanguard
This is an assassination list I cooked up the night before the Con. I always do something like this since I have no 2nd go-to list that I'm comfortable with. I had no plan for matchups this covered that Caine2 did not, I just thought it seemed fun.
Game 1 - Iron Mother vs Caine2
Round 1
I felt I had no choice but to go with Caine2, since he's my armor cracker, and the other list was Lucant. I think I won turn 1 and decided to go first. I ran everything forward. Faced the rangers with Blur against the reductors, and the Boomhowlers with dirge and Arcane Shield covering everything else.
My opponent responded with some shooting, none of which was terribly effective. 13/19 on the boomies is a hard statline for Convergence, and the Rangers pretty much couldn't be hit by reductors.
Round 2
Now I felt like there wasn't a ton for Caine to do. I wasn't ready to feat yet, and the infantry on the board would be dealt with fine by my Rangers and various other shots. I threw out 3 magic bullets on rangers and stayed safe. The rangers mostly finished off the reductors and some optifex with the magic bullets. Boomhowlers jammed everything and the forge guard moved up to be able to charge the Axiom next turn. Eiryss also ran in to prevent allocation on stuff.
Opponent responded with some lackluster killing of things I didn't care about. Some forge guard died, some boomhowlers died, some rangers died. Caine doesn't care. :P
Round 3
Here's the table state at the top of 3. You can see things are looking peachy for me.
Aiyana kissed the Axiom and the forge guard charged it. Rowdy charged and killed the objective. Caine used his feat to finish the Axiom and gate crashered back to safety. At this point I believe we shook on the game, rather than make him wait while I won on scenario (for tie breaks).
Thursday, May 22, 2014
Stupid Baldur and his Dumb Constructs
I had a fantastic game last night against Joren's exquisitely painted eBaldur force. I have been relentlessly trying to get a grip on how to play my eVyros force. He plays so different from my other lists so i have had a hard time getting my head around how to win with him. That or i am just bad at this game.
Regardless, everything started so well, i got first turn and proceeded to press him for table space.

I was able to engage, and here is where it all began to fall apart. Apparently armor 24 wold watchers are pretty tough. I was only able to remove one despite throwing a unit of sentinels, a phoenix and a Griffon at them.

Joran proceeded to take his armor to the from line, teleporting his Wold Guardian into base ot base wiht my phoenix, destroying it, and removing a Aspis.
Heres where it went wrong, I should have bunkered down and went for scenario. What i did however was go for the caster kill. I wish i had gotten a picture, it was an epic go where i charged with a griffon across the board. I probably should have won, but Joren cheated by making me measure my movement & reach accurately, which caused one addition griffon not to be within range & my arcanist not to be able to concentrate Power.
Ultimately, I lost, but the game was quite fun and it is always a pleasure to play against such a nicely painted army & great opponent.
Regardless, everything started so well, i got first turn and proceeded to press him for table space.

I was able to engage, and here is where it all began to fall apart. Apparently armor 24 wold watchers are pretty tough. I was only able to remove one despite throwing a unit of sentinels, a phoenix and a Griffon at them.

Joran proceeded to take his armor to the from line, teleporting his Wold Guardian into base ot base wiht my phoenix, destroying it, and removing a Aspis.
Heres where it went wrong, I should have bunkered down and went for scenario. What i did however was go for the caster kill. I wish i had gotten a picture, it was an epic go where i charged with a griffon across the board. I probably should have won, but Joren cheated by making me measure my movement & reach accurately, which caused one addition griffon not to be within range & my arcanist not to be able to concentrate Power.
Ultimately, I lost, but the game was quite fun and it is always a pleasure to play against such a nicely painted army & great opponent.
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Friday, May 9, 2014
First Post
First Post of New blog. It is our intention to revitalize the Fighting Hellfish web presence. We have never gone away, but have been thoroughly neglecting our web presence. We hope to change that in the near future.
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