Once again I picked Caine2 because I don't relish playing against Trolls with a low model count low attack volume list.
My opponents list was Scattergunners, Bomber, Impaler, Slag Troll, Burrowers and some other troll stuff?
Round 1
My opponent bunkered up all his beasts and his caster behind a very convenient wall, which they never left for the rest of the game. Mirage went on the Scattergunners and stuff ran up
Round 2
Opponent feats and Mortality goes up on Forge Guard and Boomhowlers. Burrowers pop up, murder lots of things. Scattergunners move up, murder lots of things. Impaler slams rowdy into some stuff. Bomber manages to roll 6 to the 1 to just barely land a bomb on A&H, killing both (urggghh).
Round 3
Now those scatter gunners that toughed, and my failure to remove Mirage come back to haunt me. Grim mortalities the 20 or so risen I have on the table. The scattergunners who were knocked down place 3", and stand up. They spray off 90% of the risen with no trouble. Bomber/Slag/Impaler don't accomplish much against Rowdy.
I'm scared this whole game, because Grim and the bomber can easily kill Caine2 if I'm not very careful. He's in feat range the entire time, but I don't go for assassinations with the caster behind a wall, unless I'm desperate. Things aren't looking super hot on attrition, except I have a super tough heavy to deal with, and he doesn't have a ton of time left on his clock to shoot it for 3+ rounds. So, Caine and my risen/boombies/rowdy/etc kill some scatter gunners and random solos and Caine continues to stay safe.
Round 4
Here's how the table looked around round 4. This may have been round 5, the turns got really samey.
My opponent was too scared of Caine to come out from his wall, so the sniping continued and his clock ran down further. He came forward with his Bomber to try for drifted blast on Caine. He failed to hit me with the blast. I don't really have any pieces left that matter except rowdy and Alexia, and neither died this turn.
At this point, his clock was low enough that all I needed to do was make sure Caine didn't die, and he didn't win on Scenario with quick turns. I snuggled Rowdy into the zone so he couldn't get slammed out. I jammed up the Bomber and finished almost everything left in the zone. Caine feated half-heartedly and didn't finish off the Bomber. I decided to camp rather than finish it off. Arcane Shield was switched to Caine and I waited for my opponent to try to kill Caine.
Round 5(6?)
Bomber took some free strikes to disengage. Threw a couple bombs at Caine, but at 19/19 on the hill, not much was accomplished. Grim had his try, but also missed and then my opponent clocked.
This was an intense game, and my opponent is one I've faced off against in multiple tourneys, and we've never had a short game, nor an easy one.
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