Sunday, June 22, 2014

Kublacon Battle Reports #3

Makeda3 vs Caine2

Once again I chose Caine2, locking me in for the final round. I just don't like taking shooting lists against Skorne (Caine2 doesn't count). This further demonstrates how my 2nd list is a liability to me more than it is a benefit, as I'm now locked in.

My opponents list was something like: Bronzeback, Molik, Gladiator, Tiberion, Nihilators, Krea

Round 1
My opponent won first turn and ran up.

And now I'm presented with one of my greatest fears, the infinitely surfing models vs my infantry spam. I still haven't figured out the optimum way to layout troops to minimize damage in this context, as the potential movement variables are just too huge. I decided my best bet was to feed him Rowdy as a potential target, and skew the math as much as I could on my Boomies, and count on Tough and misses to save me. I Arcane Shielded Rowdy, and Dirged and Heightened Reflexes the Boomies. I left a large 5-6" gap between the Boomies and the Forge Guard behind them, and left a big 8" island around Caine to prevent any surfing to him. Rangers got 2 magic bullets flanked wide right and killed 2 beast handlers with the magic bullets. Eiryss flanked wide left.

Round 2
My opponent feated and sent the Bronzeback in first. Dirge and HR was a good call, as he missed 3-4 attacks, and between that and 4+ tough, I made out like a bandit, only losing 3 Boomhowlers. Tibbers came in next and I countercharged him with Rowdy. I cranked the damage and did I think 12. The Boomie that Tibbers charged toughed, and Tibbers dumped the rest of his attacks into Rowdy. Rowdy managed to live with 4 or so boxes left. Next Molik came in and finished off Rowdy, killed a couple boomies and Fate Walkered back.

Phew! This went as well as I hoped, but better than I expected. I tried to Kiss Tibbers with Aiyanna, but failed. I then blinded tibbers (Should have done this first...), and did a few points of damage with charging boomies. Forge Guard got Beast Lore and blew up the Bronzeback and put more damage on Tibbers. Caine put 3 magic bullets on rangers and chilled on his hill. The Rangers swept up the board and killed the rest of the beast handlers on that board half and the puppet strings guy. Eiryss killed a beasthandler on her side of the board.

Round 3
My opponent is over fury, but Tibbers doesn't frenzy. Tibbers doesn't do much being blinded, and waits for death. A boomhowler I have blocking molik manages to tough 3 times and really frustrates my opponents plans. He finally gets molik free, and kills some infantry and fate walkers back again.

I kiss Tibbers and finish him off with Forge Guard and arrange the extras to counter charge anything that comes at me. I set up Alexia to charge anything that enters the zone and the last support dies on his side of the table. Here's how it looked at the end of the turn.

Round 4
My opponent knew he couldn't win on scenario or attrition at this point. Any beast he left in the zone would either be killed by Alexia, Forge Guard, or Caine's feat. He opted for the assassination attempt you can see him measuring for above. He wanted to side step off off Holt and then Alexia, but the distance just wasn't there, and we shook on it.

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