Sunday, June 22, 2014

Kublacon Battle Reports #4

Bart vs Haley2

Of all the matchups I could be locked into, I'm kinda ok with this one. The scenario is live and the zones are far apart, and there's few models to work around to get shots on Bart.

My opponents list was: Double Galleon, Gorman, A&H, Boomies, Sylas.

Round 1
I got first turn and ran things up very conservatively. I didn't want him dragging anything in, or killing stuff on his first turn. b13 and Stormclad ran up left, Everything else ran up the right. I got Deceleration out, and Arcane Shielded the Stormclad.

Both Galleons walked forward, one on the right and one on the left. Boomies ran towards my gun mages and light jacks. A&H and Gorman moved forward conservatively on the same side as my Stormclad/B13. Bart moved up, cast hot shot, and Broadsides. 1 gun mage died and haley took a couple points from drifted blast.

Round 2
Here's how the board looked at the start of my turn.

I don't think my opponent knew how scared he needed to be of my guns. He was well within the frankly absurd threat range of my Defender and Charger. At this point I was debating whether or not to go for attrition. I think I could have killed over half of one Galleon with the Stormclad, leaving it mostly safe from retaliation under Haley's feat. After feat I could have finished off one Galleon and begun work on the other. I decided to go for the assassination.

I feated, cast TA on the defender, deadeye on the gun mages, and TK on both the Charger and Defender. Power boostered the Defender. Gun mages tried to clear the boomies on the left, as I kind of wanted to stand there with the charger to avoid the water. My cursed dice flubbed horribly, and my opponent didn't lose a single Boomie. I moved the Vanguard up to prevent my gun mages from being jammed. Taryn moved up and vanished the right Galleon. My defender and charger both got range, and both double tapped Bart. My damage rolls were abysmal and only the last shot forced the tough, which he made! Stormclad moved up, and the b13 failed to hit anything.

My opponent didn't do much under Haley's feat. Some shots were fired, some jacks took damage. Nothing crucial was broken or killed except Taryn died to drifted blast. Bart had to choose between backing up, and moving forward to take cover behind the wall. He chose to take cover, feat, and camp all 6.

Round 3
With the feat, I had to be careful and not get knocked down. I power boostered the defender with Arlan. Haley TA'd and Deadeyed the Defender, Deadeyed the Charger and TK'd the charger. I managed to hit Bart with a crit brutal, and crit him. Managed to do the point of damage needed on the first shot and he failed his tough roll. We realized at this point that I hadn't taken into account the attack roll penalty from Bart's feat, and no one remembered what I rolled to hit. I rerolled it and managed to still hit, and crit for the game.

This game felt very execution style. This list is actually pretty fun, and I think has good game. I would need to practice it more to feel comfortable with it.

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