Sunday, June 22, 2014

Kublacon Battle Reports #1

My Lists:

Caine2 standard Yes We Caine list, except with Pendrake instead of Rag Man (I swear I played this list before Kieth made it famous).

This is my most played list. I have at least a 90% win-rate with it. Almost every loss at tournaments has been when I play my 2nd list.

Squire, Jr, Arlan, Taryn
b13, ATGM+UA
- Defender
Jakes + Charger
Gastonne + Vanguard

This is an assassination list I cooked up the night before the Con. I always do something like this since I have no 2nd go-to list that I'm comfortable with. I had no plan for matchups this covered that Caine2 did not, I just thought it seemed fun.

Game 1 - Iron Mother vs Caine2

Round 1
I felt I had no choice but to go with Caine2, since he's my armor cracker, and the other list was Lucant. I think I won turn 1 and decided to go first. I ran everything forward. Faced the rangers with Blur against the reductors, and the Boomhowlers with dirge and Arcane Shield covering everything else.

My opponent responded with some shooting, none of which was terribly effective. 13/19 on the boomies is a hard statline for Convergence, and the Rangers pretty much couldn't be hit by reductors.

Round 2
Now I felt like there wasn't a ton for Caine to do. I wasn't ready to feat yet, and the infantry on the board would be dealt with fine by my Rangers and various other shots. I threw out 3 magic bullets on rangers and stayed safe. The rangers mostly finished off the reductors and some optifex with the magic bullets.  Boomhowlers jammed everything and the forge guard moved up to be able to charge the Axiom next turn. Eiryss also ran in to prevent allocation on stuff.

Opponent responded with some lackluster killing of things I didn't care about. Some forge guard died, some boomhowlers died, some rangers died. Caine doesn't care. :P

Round 3
Here's the table state at the top of 3. You can see things are looking peachy for me.
Aiyana kissed the Axiom and the forge guard charged it. Rowdy charged and killed the objective. Caine used his feat to finish the Axiom and gate crashered back to safety. At this point I believe we shook on the game, rather than make him wait while I won on scenario (for tie breaks).

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