Thursday, May 22, 2014

Stupid Baldur and his Dumb Constructs

I had a fantastic game last night against Joren's exquisitely painted eBaldur force. I have been relentlessly trying to get a grip on how to play my eVyros force. He plays so different from my other lists so i have had a hard time getting my head around how to win with him. That or i am just bad at this game.

Regardless, everything started so well, i got first turn and proceeded to press him for table space.

I was able to engage, and here is where it all began to fall apart. Apparently armor 24 wold watchers are pretty tough. I was only able to remove one despite throwing a unit of sentinels, a phoenix and a Griffon at them.

Joran proceeded to take his armor to the from line, teleporting his Wold Guardian into base ot base wiht my phoenix, destroying it, and removing a Aspis.

Heres where it went wrong, I should have bunkered down and went for scenario. What i did however was go for the caster kill. I wish i had gotten a picture, it was an epic go where i charged with a griffon across the board. I probably should have won, but Joren cheated by making me measure my movement & reach accurately, which caused one addition griffon not to be within range & my arcanist not to be able to concentrate Power.

Ultimately, I lost, but the game was quite fun and it is always a pleasure to play against such a nicely painted army & great opponent.


  1. Hero Baldur triumphs over the elven scourge. There is much rejoincing. Mothers weep and offer their babes to be held and kissed.

  2. PS: My name has an "e" not an "a", Byron.
