Thursday, May 22, 2014

Stupid Baldur and his Dumb Constructs

I had a fantastic game last night against Joren's exquisitely painted eBaldur force. I have been relentlessly trying to get a grip on how to play my eVyros force. He plays so different from my other lists so i have had a hard time getting my head around how to win with him. That or i am just bad at this game.

Regardless, everything started so well, i got first turn and proceeded to press him for table space.

I was able to engage, and here is where it all began to fall apart. Apparently armor 24 wold watchers are pretty tough. I was only able to remove one despite throwing a unit of sentinels, a phoenix and a Griffon at them.

Joran proceeded to take his armor to the from line, teleporting his Wold Guardian into base ot base wiht my phoenix, destroying it, and removing a Aspis.

Heres where it went wrong, I should have bunkered down and went for scenario. What i did however was go for the caster kill. I wish i had gotten a picture, it was an epic go where i charged with a griffon across the board. I probably should have won, but Joren cheated by making me measure my movement & reach accurately, which caused one addition griffon not to be within range & my arcanist not to be able to concentrate Power.

Ultimately, I lost, but the game was quite fun and it is always a pleasure to play against such a nicely painted army & great opponent.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Action Shot

Rocking the new Fighting HellFish patch on my game bag! Now I'm legit,I can almost guarantee that adding a HellFish patch to your bag will increase your overall dice rolling.

Check it out

Friday, May 9, 2014

First Post

First Post of New blog.  It is our intention to revitalize the Fighting Hellfish web presence.  We have never gone away, but have been thoroughly neglecting our web presence.  We hope to change that in the near future.